Sam Gendel and Shin Sasakubo, who also collaborated on the 2021 album 'CHICHIBU' and showed a high degree of chemistry, have expanded their respective worldviews in the re-release of the album 'SAM GENDEL & SHIN SASAKUBO' under their twin names.The album is a dialogue of the inner souls that only these two musicians, who are committed to their roots in faraway lands, can create!
Sam Gendel and Shin Sasakubo, who also collaborated on the 2021 album 'CHICHIBU' and showed a high degree of chemistry, have expanded their respective worldviews in the re-release of the album 'SAM GENDEL & SHIN SASAKUBO' under their twin names.The album is a dialogue of the inner souls that only these two musicians, who are committed to their roots in faraway lands, can create!
Sam Gendel and Shin Sasakubo, who also collaborated on the 2021 album 'CHICHIBU' and showed a high degree of chemistry, have expanded their respective worldviews in the re-release of the album 'SAM GENDEL & SHIN SASAKUBO' under their twin names.The album is a dialogue of the inner souls that only these two musicians, who are committed to their roots in faraway lands, can create!